
Melody…Melody… Melody… Where are you my Melody…

The rain fell without remorse… beating the snow covered earth.  Green was beginning to peek through, where just yesterday all was a blanket of white.
Thunder was sounding in the distance from grey skies filled with fog.  The earth had an eerie aura.   The horizon was confused.  The water was sharing the same color as the sky.  Me and Freedom had taken shelter in an abandoned cabin.  There was a small fireplace they used to warm their bodies.  It was unsettling.  Motion around Me felt displaced.  Freedom snuggled more closely than usual.


Me had begun her search for what “could be”.  She was improving her skills: more easily removing the clutter from her mind…reaching deep into what she was beginning to recognize as Soul.  It was all so new: actually knowing that something inside belonged to her…something that was not defined by the composition of society’s beliefs. This new acquaintance was actually communicating back: beginning to share stories about who she “really” was…beginning to replace the skewed definitions that society chose to portray her as being.

Me began to query Soul about everything.  Each time she found an answer to a question asked: the answer only created a new question that begged to be asked and answered.   Her journey’s path had begun to form.  As she reached deeper and deeper she was now recognizing that at a certain level of depth, something would trigger inside her being.  She could not isolate the area.  It was as if her entire body elevated to a cognizant consciousness that settled her. It almost felt as if her own body was embracing her.  It was new…it was foreign…it was frightening… it was always immediately dismissed.

Hugging Freedom tightly as the rain continued to pellet the roof and dance down the panes of window in front of her, she closed her heavy eyes.  Me could hear the fire crackle as she inhaled the perfume of burning wood. It was time to enter her dreams.

Melody…Melody…Melody… where are you my Melody…