

Chickadee dee dee
Chickadee dee

Chichadee dee dee
Chickadee dee

Me was sitting on the water’s edge settling herself as the sun worked its way to the earth.  Lake Huron was a stunning body of water.  For months now, Melody, Freedom and Me had made their home next to this continually transforming basin.  So many elements influenced its daily beauty.  Winds from the north brought cool refreshment during the height of a hot summer’s day.  Winds from the west forced waves high onto the shore into beach grasses waiting to be amused.  Winds from the east retreated the water’s level exposing rock and beach glass to be discovered.  Blue glass was Me’s favorite find. Winds from the south brought air reminiscent of a warm Caribbean breeze.   Today, the winds were coming from the south.  The warm breeze felt magnificent against Me’s slightly clothed body.
As for the diamonds, they were never predictable.  Today, they covered the water like a veil. Their presence was overwhelming.  Their reflection too glaring to view.  Me closed her eyes excitedly waiting for her embrace. She wished she could understand this connection with the diamonds.  Somehow they fed her.
It was not the same satisfaction received from her meals that fed her hunger.  The diamonds filled something else in her being. As she lay next to Freedom in her trance; she did not notice Melody perched in her favorite birch tree not far away.  Melody was in her own deep abstraction as the diamonds fed  “her” Soul. Today…Melody was anxious.  She knew that Me had become too comfortable in this setting.  She no longer was asking inquisitive questions…no longer searching for answers.  The basin had been an excellent setting, having served its purpose to prepare for their journey ahead.  For this, she was pleased.

Melody began to reflect back to the incident. It was on Me’s 16th birthday.  Me had known Melody as her imaginary friend since birth.  She was a pretend friend that never left her side and was always there: for play …for talk…for confidence.  Me spent most of her time entertaining herself.  She loved exploring on her own. She could easily find things to do that occupied her for hours with Melody by her side.  That day of her birthday, was no exception.   Me was outside admiring her birthday present from Mama & Daddy…a new bicycle. It  was a big girl’s bike…burgundy streamlined frame, skinny tires. She loved to bicycle. Me’s face held a smile from ear to ear. She could barely contain her excited squeals.  Her favorite place to ride was at the enormous garage behind her house.  A huge perfectly maintained asphalt road circled this structure.  The facility was owned and operated by the county.  It housed gigantic trucks, enormous snow plows, and huge tractors with tires as high as she was tall.  All of this machinery was necessary to keep the county roads maintained in Leelanau.  During the evenings and weekends, seldom were there any cars or activity.  It allowed the perfect “ride” for Me could go as fast as her legs would take her with no distractions.  As she rode fiercely around the garage she would sing at the top of her lungs, her favorite songs.  Just herself…her bicycle…and her Melody.  It was during these moments that Me felt lifted into a space where she was “free”.

Melody was beginning to notice changes in Me’s body. Her tiny breasts were growing… creating a lean cute figure. She was transforming from a plain little tom boy into a pretty young woman.   She liked boys. She talked often with Melody about her fears of growing up.  As she rode around the garage that day her thoughts were on Melody.  Me feared that Melody would one day be gone and no longer in her life.  She could not imagine life without her Melody. No one as an adult had an invisible friend she would tell herself.  Mama kept telling her that too.
Today she also had the “Moody Blues” on her mind.  They had just introduced a new album using a symphony orchestra.  She was in love with the orchestral arrangement of “Nights in White Satin.” She could not remove this concerto from her mind.  She was fixated on the flute solo as she flew around the garage singing the lyrics to Melody. It was a beautiful autumn Sunday afternoon.  It was a windy day.  Bright yellow and red leaves swirled around her as she rode. The leaves crackled as her tires flew over them lying on the asphalt below her.   It was magical….  Me sped faster as the wind blew her long hair wildly across her face. Around and around the garage she rode.  Moisture began to form on her body as it heated from her fixated pace.  She was free…  These were her moments and her moments alone with Melody.  She was invincible.  As Me entered the southeast corner she did not see the 50 gallon drum that the wind had pushed from the side of the building and was now rolling into her path.  As she looked down, her body froze. It was too late. The impact was swift.  Me flew high into the air, her body awkwardly flipping into a circular motion.  She seemed to be in flight forever.  Her mind began to dash through events that summarized her 16 years of life. She saw Mama in the kitchen taking her freshly made bread from the oven.  She saw Daddy in the garden proudly harvesting his family’s bounty.  She giggled as she saw herself in Uncle Tony’s cherry orchard sitting paralyzed on the top rung of her ladder staring at the cherries. She was fighting “yellow dog”, a mental condition…unable to pick cherries no more…begging Mama to go home.
It took only moments for her to collide with the earth. The back of her head hit the asphalt first.  Me’s tangled body followed.  Her beautiful burgundy bicycle flew even higher into the sky.  As it landed against the garage, the tires broke free from the fragile frame and tore through two large windows.  The sound of breaking glass screamed into the evening air.


Chickadee dee dee
Chickadee dee

Chickadee dee dee
Chickadee dee

Melody gasped, as she watched the event.  Instantly, she lifted her body and flew over to where Me had fallen and gently touched her body. This was the first time that they had ever touched..  Melody rested her tiny being on Me’s heart.  She could feel her warm chest move up and down as she listened to her labored breath. Me’s eyes were closed.  Red moisture covered her entire body. There was no movement. Melody sat motionless.  She needed to settle from the incident that had just occurred. Her body was trembling. This was Me’s significant emotional event, she whispered under her breath. Melody was aware that this moment was to come.  Soul told her to be ready, but did not tell her when or what would happen.  She only knew that a significant emotional event would occur setting into motion life episodes for Me that would unveil the truth about her imaginary friend.  The essence of her relationship with Melody would begin to unfold.  Me would discover that her dear “Melody” since birth had always been the translator of her Soul.
Melody moved up to Me’s  shoulder.  She began pecking her ear, increasing the intensity until she saw a twinge of movement come from Me’s body.
She began to sing into Me’s blood stained ear….

Chickadee dee dee
Chickadee dee

Chickadee dee dee
Chickadee dee

Do not be afraid My child…
Melody is here.
Do not move…

Me opened her eyes…words tried to come from her mouth.

Do not speak my child.
Be still…
Be brave….
Someone is coming to help.
I am here with you…
I love you…

Today was the 9th anniversary since the incident.  Each time Melody visited the memories of that day, tears would moisten her eyes. The emotions from that event were etched into her core… That day as Melody entered into her new role as translator of Soul:  her assignment was set into motion.  In an instant she went from an invisible friendship of fun and frolic into creating a complex matrix of experiences designed to promote the desire for “search” inside of Me…
Now….nine years later: she could embrace pleasure with the result of her work.