

Me: again in her fetal position, lay quietly in sleep as Melody sang into her blood bathed ear. It was mid-morning and Me had not yet woken. Freedom was in the woods behind searching for berries and water to drink.
Me’s eyes slowly opened. Immediately above her she recognized the huge umbrella of green that she saw while in darkness the night before. It was a beautiful Oak. No words were immediately spoken.

As Me pulled herself up and off the ground into a sitting position, she began to look around her and “take in” her chosen location of their first night in the Forest of Naked Slate.
The sight took her breath away. They were situated
on the top of an enormous bluff: below into a deep ravine was housed the flowing body of a magnificent river that rolled as far as her eyes could see. She began to squint, unable to clearly identify what she saw next. It looked to be a village. She gasped.
Melody…Do people live here?
Yes…People do live here my child.
Is this Society?
Yes…this is Society.
No…no…Take me back Melody…please take me out of the Forest of the Naked Slate. Take me away from here. I don’t want to be in Society. I don’t want Society to again tell me who I am. Society will only continue to define me as someone I am not. Please…please…take me back. I have been so happy since the “incident” …living with you and Freedom being fed by the diamonds given to us by the Sun as we lived beside the Great Basin.
My child…it has been years since you have been in Society. And yes…Society did define you: and yes…you did not accept the manner in which you were defined. You were young…very young. You believed deeply something was wrong…very wrong. This acknowledgement created a suppressed empty void deep inside your person. Unknowingly, you began to search. You began “searching for a feeling”. You had total ignorance of what this feeling was… where this feeling was …. or how this feeling would be identified once felt. The only element that you were certain of, was that the search was entirely internal and that the void inside of you would not sustain life without being filled. This was when you found “Me”…your Melody…your imaginary friend. With your Melody you began a quest to find emotions not recognized by Society. Soon you realized that the only skill you needed to master was the ability to effectively question. Once mastered: your constant questioning aggravated and threatened Society…it panicked…therefore it chose to define you the only way it knew: to alienate.
My child…let us go back to your dream. What happened in your dream?
I was dreaming about all that you have taught me…said Me. I was pulling myself inward going deeper and deeper touching sensitive emotions, both good and bad…embracing them…loving who I am… finding this peace that you have taught me how to find. Then suddenly my dream changed. A deep dark angry force enveloped these emotions, challenging their validity and purpose, creating fear that strangled everything I believe. This force began pulling me outward, back to the surface to an emotionless state of fear and confusion. I was back in Society’s hold. Fear robbed the self-love I had found for me…it strangled it…it killed it. Everything I have learned from you was taken from me.
Though her heart racing, Melody spoke with calm…My child it is fear that steals success in this forest. You have now been introduced to its powers. Here in the Forest of the Naked Slate, your intrinsic beliefs will be contested and challenged as you become one with Soul. This encounter, instigated by Society will be fierce. Society deems its judgement as the only authority to define what you believe. It will use fear as its armor to take from you, your connection with Soul. The tools that you acquired during your years at the Great Basin will be vital here. These tools will guide your decisions as you continue to fill your Naked Slate: as you begin to uncover and embrace the peace that you have searched so hard to discover.
My child you need to understand…In the Forest of the Naked Slate no one see’s you. Only you see you: as you venture into the roles that Society has defined for you. “Fear” will be your nemesis as society defined roles present themselves and you choose to challenge who you are told you are. You and Soul togeth
comfort zone, rearching into your core. By confronting your fears… tearing away the unwelcomed society’s defined roles, freedom will be won…the Naked Slate will fill and you will be one with Soul.